History of GWAC
The Psalmist exclaims, ‘I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart. I will tell of your wonderful deeds.’, and what a joy it was, and indeed is, to thank God for the amalgamation of three parishes to the Glen Waverley Anglican Church (GWAC) in 1995. The origins and working through of this “wonderful deed” bring deep appreciation of God’s good and gracious work through his people. Our gratitude to God and to those who participated in those formative years, deepens our understanding of God’s faithfulness and work in history, and gives us confidence for the future: “Look what God has done! Look to what God will do, and indeed, is doing!”
We are grateful to Ian Nyholm for this history of a most significant season in the life of our parish. Ian’s careful research has gifted the Church, and future generations, this important written record of God’s faithfulness. Of course, there was a dual aim in this project. Afterall it was, and indeed is not, just the building of the building, but the building of the people - the body of Christ. The amalgamation of three peoples into one people, was clearly a faith exercise: building on faith, building faith, and building confidence for future faith ventures: a strengthening experience.
In the words of St Paul, ‘just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.’ (Col.2:6,6) May God bless many through the telling of this history.
History, Architecture and Features
(Watch the Video Feature)
Acknowledgement: The Amalgamation Story Booklet
In compiling this booklet, I would like to acknowledge the support and editorial contribution made by Bishop John Harrower OAM, first Vicar of GWAC. John’s foresight and wisdom was a significant factor in ensuring that the amalgamation process was so successful.
In addition, thank you to Dr Kris Argall, Tony & Robin Hickson, Pat Moore, Bob Barclay, Peter Crandle, Prof Ian Harper AO, George Savvides AM, Ann Hargreaves, Miles Tiller and Chris Brassington. In particular, I would like to acknowledge the editorial expertise provided by Ross Curnow, former journalist and Children’s and Families minister at GWAC (now at St Alfred’s, Blackburn North) and also Barney Zwartz, former Religious Editor for The Age.
My thanks to the current Senior Minister of GWAC, Rev Phil Meulman, for his support and enthusiasm for the writing of this history. Most importantly, thank you to our God who so richly blessed us and led us into a new faith community so that we can be “A caring community, making, maturing and mobiising disciples of Jesus Christ – locally and globally.”
Ian Nyholm

Ian Nyholm, Mark Horner, Bp John Harrower