Facilities provided for regular giving to ministry at GWAC.

Giving at GWAC As a people of God, we exist to bring honour and glory to God. In Romans 12:1-2, St Paul reminds us that our reasonable act of worship is to offer our very selves to God as a living sacrifice. Our purpose as the people of God here at GWAC is summed up in this way—To be a caring community; making maturing and mobilising disciples of Jesus Christ, locally and globally. Biblically speaking, all that we have therefore, is at God’s disposal. He has resourced us as a church community, so that collectively, we might help people meet God and share eternity with God.
The New Testament teaches that we should give to God’s work, in the church, through missions, and for those in need with sacrificial generosity. Our giving should be planned according to what we have and earn. While our society tells us that we should increase our spending on ourselves as our disposable income increases, the New Testament teaching is that we should consider making this increase available to God’s work and God’s people.
Internet Giving
To give using the internet, state your name and the service you regularly attend as reference. To share in GWAC’s giving to missions and agencies, please use the reference “Mssn”.
GWAC General Funds bank account
- BSB: 033009
- Account No: 108940
Offertory Envelopes
Weekly offertory envelopes are available in the church for those who don’t have internet access. Please contact church staff, or the office.
For further enquiries, contact:
Church Office: 9560 7494