Contemporary Services
Our contemporary services designed for all ages.
All services are located at 800 Waverley Road, Glen Waverley VIC 3150 (Map Link)

10:30am Service
10:30am is a contemporary service for people of all ages and stages, and includes a vibrant program for preschool and primary aged children.
The Lord’s Supper is celebrated monthly using a variety of informal liturgies to help us celebrate God’s rich mercy in Jesus Christ.
The Bible teaching is clear and relevant. The ‘feel’ of the service is contemporary and informal, recognising it’s Anglican heritage. Stories, testimonies, music and other media are used to enhance the worship and learning of every person.
Our Children’s Ministries run concurrently with the 10:30am Service. Children attend the first part of the 10:30 am service and then go to their own program.
Family and All-age Services
These 1 hour services are held once a term and aim to include people from all ages. They are dramatic presentations “bringing to life” the stories of the Bible in a memorable way for children and adults alike.
5pm Service
This service explores contemporary and post modern formats for the expression of clear bible teaching, prayer to God and lively songs of praise.
Personal stories and multimedia input are often used to challenge people with the real alternative of radical discipleship to Jesus in a world that offers so much but delivers so little of lasting value.